B e d d g e l e r t

      To those of you from Beddgelert who have found your way to this website, welcome.

      If you’ve read the rest of this website first, you will now realize its purpose is to try and make contact with those who I used to know back then in the village. As this was thirty years ago, back in the 1980s, a lot of things will have changed and happened.

      So why even go to all this trouble?

      As unusual as it may seem, back then traveling to Beddgelert (and Rhayader) was a large part of my life, and I kept it up for most of the 1980s.

      I have put photos on the website to try and help people recognize me, as words on their own are often not enough to enable people to remember, especially not from thirty years ago.

      Beddgelert faired slightly better here, as there are literally only one of two photos from Rhayader.

      This is for two reasons. Firstly; keeping hold of photos for thirty years takes some doing. Secondly; back then, people were not always happy having their photos taken, so sometimes it had to be done discreetly.

      Plus, back then, photography was not my thing, therefore most of the photos are not particularly clear or sharp. This was because they were all hand held shots, which often resulted in the photo being blurry.

      Thank you to those of you who have acknowledged me on the forum. Leonie, Kim, Shan, and Annwen. Also to Gwilym for remembering the car and to Ann for pointing out the photo was Miranda.

      I had hoped that I would have made contact with Peter and Gwindaf as they were the two most prominent youngsters I remember. I also realize that Gonks was probably too young to remember me.

      I am hoping to return to Beddgelert at some point, just to see the village again after all time and to see how things have changed after 30 years.

      When I haven’t visited a place for thirty years, and those who you knew me back then, have now forgotten about you, it thus takes a lot of explaining, and photographs for people to remember.

      Due to the comments I’ve received from the Forum, I realize the girl I knew from Nantlle was Miranda. Also, in the last few days, I’ve come across slides which I had forgotten about, and found about 15 slides of Miranda and (I presume) her horses.

      I don’t have any photos of Gwindaf or Gonks or Peter, on their own, only of them in cars.

      I’m grateful to Gwilym for remembering the car, as it took a lot of recollection on my part to try and remember him. It was only afterwards; when I had it commented to me, he is known as Billy, that I vaguely remembered him.

      Although I got to know another youngster, again, probably in his 20s who was helping his family to build the restaurant, of what is now the ‘River Garden Guest House’ or has been commented in a post ‘King Arthur’ I just don’t remember his name.

      I was also aware of another local youngster, probably in his twenties, who was also helping with the build, but again, I cannot remember his name.

      Even though thirty years has passed, it’s encouraging to at least be recognized after all this time, as back then, I occupied a lot of weekends in Beddgelert, and occasional weeks during a lot of the 1980s.

      Well… this has been… an interesting experience.

      Due to the number of occasions during the 80s I visited Beddgelert; I genuinely thought, Gwindaf and Peter would have remembered me. I also thought Miranda would have recollections of me, partly due, that I took photos of her with her horses, which is what I so prominently remember. I also remember, taking her to either Nazareth or Nebo (south of Pen-y-groes) for her to visit a friend of hers. Admittedly; on first creating this website, I couldn’t remember Miranda’s name, until Ann made a comment. I also can’t remember the name of the youngster who was helping to build what is now the River Garden Guest House.

      I never actually noted how many times I visited Beddgelert, but on reflection it must have been 50 times at least, and that’s without the weeks I occupied there, in the holiday house and also the cottage in Stryd Smith.

      If someone put photos of me up from thirty years ago, I would image after a while I would probably remember them.

      I’ve now deleted all the posts from the Beddgelert Community Notice Board as things were getting (in my opinion) a bit hostile, and... there’s no need for that, especially from those who don’t even know me and I don’t know them. I therefore don’t determine the point of pursuing my cause.

      A bit of a blow I must admit, when I consider the effort I went to, to try and make contact.

      Of course... the cause and purpose of trying to initiate contact, was to go back to Beddgelert and make this film about my past experiences (although I'm not going to say that on a Notice Board) along with creating a story as well. The story also involved a high end caravan park. So the fact there was a caravan park facility just outside of the village would have made the filming process, much easier.

      I’m going to have to have a complete rethink about this, even though I've written a script and outline. Can’t quite believe I've gone to so much effort, scouting locations on Google Earth and Street view of Beddgelert and the surrounding areas, especially for the caravan park.

      I’m also very grateful, I didn’t send the letter I wrote, to Bryn Deulyn, as that was where Miranda took me to, at the end of the lane in Nantlle next to the quarry. I even remember meeting, who I presumed was her Mother in the kitchen.

      It’s been an interesting experience… if nothing else, and not quite the outcome I had expected. However; it's also been… a learning curve.

B e d d g e l e r t

R h a y a d e r

B r e n t w o o d

C h e l m s f o r d

Church   Street

B r a i n t r e e


C a r s




Escort RS


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