P o s t   S c r i p t

      This… is a reflection on my part, of those who I got to know back during the 1980s. Back then, I got to know these youngsters, very well, and I had hoped… that more of them would have remembered me, or remembered the car.

      Having read though the profiles of those who I was enlightened about, by others on the Beddgelert forum, I realize that all the then youngsters are now married and have families, which I would have expected.

      The only person I haven’t been able to locate, is Peter; which is actually a shame. The others, Gwindaf, Gonks and Miranda, who's photos I put up, I've been made aware of and been able to look up, as I’ve received confirmation of who they are.

      There are of course, those who I remember, from what they did, or the activities they were involved in, but I cannot put names to them. They I presume will remain that way forever, as I have no way of learning who they were.

      I don’t know who owned the Prince Llewellyn Hotel in the mid 1980s when I stayed there. All I can remember is whoever was in charge (or owned it) his daughter who had longish blonde hair, served me breakfast in the dining area.

      As I’ve commented thoughout the website, whoever the youngster was (in his 20s) helping (I presume his family) to build what is now the River Garden Guest House.

      I… quite wrongly (in my own thinking) presumed I would be remembered, especially with all the photos I managed to discover and put on display.

      I’ve now also realized, that just because I can remember the then youngster’s and their first names (although not all their names) they would perhaps have remembered me, or, even the car.

      It has been a bit of a disappointment, with the many months of preparation, in writing and coding and finding photographs and creating the website and the Facebook page.

      When I consider, how well I got on with Gwindaf and Peter, and even Gonks to a point, as well as Miranda. I suppose I was a little shaken, that (apart from Billy) no one remembered me.

      I’ve accepted it now and realized I didn’t make as much of an impact as I thought I did. I also recognize thirty years has passed, and that is a long time period.

      On a slightly more upbeat note, it was really encouraging to be contacted via Facebook by Louise, who was one of the girls I got to know who lived in Rhayader. So, all is not completely lost.

      She also directed me to where some of the other youngsters I then knew, now are.

      It also transpired that Louise’s brother remembered me, or more to the point he remembered my CB handle, which I had completely forgotten about.

      So yes, it has been a bit of a shock... that I didn’t create that much of an impression over an eight year period, when I reflect how often I was in the village of Beddgelert. I suppose in hindsight, I should be extremely grateful, that Billy at least remembered the car.

      I remember Gwindaf and Peter very well and yes I also remember Gonks as he was the first to come and see me in the car park. I can realize why Gonks doesn’t remember me, as yes, he was probably too young. I can remember Miranda, but not as well as Gwindaf and Peter, but that was simply because I didn’t get to know her as well as the others. And yes, I couldn’t remember her name, until it was commented.

      I didn’t actually expect people to remember my name, but I genuinely thought they may have remembered... the youngster in the Black MKI Ford Escort.

      As Billy quite rightly put it, thought I was a bit of a rally driver back then. We all have our ‘growing up years to do’, and I did mine... in Beddgelert and Rhayader    during the 1980s.

      The moment on the Beddgelert Forum… when I was finally remembered. Even if it was Billy remembering the car… he still remembered.

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B e d d g e l e r t

R h a y a d e r

Rhayader   To

B r e n t w o o d

C h e l m s f o r d

Church   Street

B r a i n t r e e


C a r s




Escort RS


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