R h a y a d e r

      To those of you from Rhayader who have found your way to this website, welcome.

      If you’ve read the rest of this website first, you will now realize its purpose is to try and make contact with those who I used to know back then in the village. As this was thirty years ago, back in the 1980s, a lot of things will have changed and happened.

      So why even go to all this trouble?

      As unusual as it may seem, back then traveling to Rhayader (and Beddgelert) was a large part of my life, and I kept it up for most of the 1980s.

      I have put photos on the website to try and help people recognize me, as words on their own are often not enough to enable people to remember, especially not from thirty years ago.

      Beddgelert faired slightly better here, as there are literally only one of two photos from Rhayader.

      This is for two reasons. Firstly; keeping hold of photos for thirty years takes some doing. Secondly; back then, people were not always happy having their photos taken, so sometimes it had to be done discreetly.

      Plus, back then, photography was not my thing, therefore most of the photos are not particularly clear or sharp. This was because they were all hand held shots, which often resulted in the photo being blurry.

B e d d g e l e r t

R h a y a d e r

B r e n t w o o d

C h e l m s f o r d

Church   Street

B r a i n t r e e


C a r s




Escort RS


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